Excuses get nothing done

Ankoma Angela
2 min readMay 7, 2024


Yesterday, I arrived at school early. After saying a short prayer, I stepped out of my class.

I stood on the veranda and looked downstairs. The flowers captured my attention.

As I was watched the flowers on our school compound, I said to myself, “The gardener has done an excellent work.”

Photo Credit: Gardening Know How

As I kept watching, a thought came to mind.

Whatever you leave unattended will not give you the results you want.

If the gardener had not spent time cutting down overgrown grasses and flower, weeds would have taken over. The flowers would grow but they may have so many weeds. They would not be as beautiful as they looked now.

Our lives are like small gardens that need care from us. We need time to grow.

In the growth process, there are going to be times where we need to unlearn bad habits. This may be difficult but bad behaviours are like weeds. They cloud the beauty of our garden — lives.

There will be times we need to water our lives. This is why continuous learning is very important for personal and professional success. Just as flowers need to be watered, our minds need to be watered so that we can grow.

Any flower that is taken from the earth dies after some time. We need to be connected to our source — God. When we are connected to our source, we get the needed nutrients for growth. As the soil provides flowers with nutrients, our lives are sustained when we are always in communion with God.

And when we finally blossom like beautiful flowers, we become a source of inspiration to others. We become an example to others. Our lives remind people that they can also achieve their goals.

Like flowers, we need time to blossom.

Like flowers, we need care to blossom.

Like flowers, we are capable of making things beautiful.



Ankoma Angela

I am an English Language Teacher during the day, a detail-oriented proofreader at night and God’s scribe at all times.