Difference is beautiful.

Ankoma Angela
3 min readMay 11, 2024


After taking my bath this morning, I went out to greet my grandma. She asked how I was and how my sleep was. I told her all was well. I also asked about hers and she responded, “God has been good to us.”

She said, “Yesterday, you said you had a zoom meeting this morning.” I replied, “It is in the evening, from 4pm to 5pm.” She then asked, “What will you be doing this morning?” I answered, “I don’t have any plans for now.” She suggested, “Go around the house. Ascend and descend the stairs multiple times. That is a form of exercise. When it is 8am, you can come and take your breakfast.”

I listened to my grandma. I descended the stairs and went to where the birds were kept. I stood there for some minutes to observe all the birds in the cage. Each type had different behaviours.

Photo by Santiago Lacarta on Unsplash

The cranes hardly moved around like the other birds. They moved slowly and stayed at one position for a long time.

Photo by Hans Veth on Unsplash

The peacocks were consistently scratching themselves. They were also moving in the cage. They jumped on the woods that were put across the cage. The stayed there for sometime to scratch themselves and moved down to walk on the ground. They seem not to have any time to spare. They were on the move.

Photo Credit: Somerzby

The brahma chickens were happily flying in the cage. One of them started feeding on the grains. She moved away shortly and came back.

After observing these birds, one thought came to mind.

We are all different.

We are are classified under one big family called human beings but we have different characteristics and attitudes.

We can stay in harmony with one another when we understand that we can never be the same. It is our differences that makes the world a beautiful place to be.

Some of us are like the cranes. We move steadily and slowly.

Some of us are like the peacock. Our presence commands attention.

Some of us are like the brahma chicken. We are free spirited and live in the moment.

Whichever category you find yourself in, understand that not everyone is like you. You need to learn to accept these differences and appreciate people for who they are.

Are you like the crane, the peacock or the brahma chicken?



Ankoma Angela

I am an English Language Teacher during the day, a detail-oriented proofreader at night and God’s scribe at all times.