Being uncomfortable is the new comfortable

Ankoma Angela
2 min readMay 8, 2024


I am an ardent reader and follower of Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie.

One of the things she keeps reiterating in her speaking engagements is “We need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable”.

Photo Credit: Pinterest

I have come to understand that this statement is true.

Almost all the people who are succeeding in one way or the other in their personal and career journey have learnt to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Before I went to the university, I used to study for only an hour. I believed that my brain automatically shut down after every hour and no matter what I did, it was not going to respond.

I went to university and still had this mindset. I could teach others for more than an hour but when it came to personal studies, I spent just an hour studying.

In level 200, my good friend, Jonathan, advised me to try and break this habit. I told him, “My brain is able to stay focused for only an hour. When I try to go beyond that, I feel uncomfortable.” He smiled and responded, “That is what you have told yourself. Who told you life was always going to be comfortable?”

You would have thought I listened to his advice. I didn’t listen until we got to level 300. The academic journey was becoming tough. The results I wanted I not forthcoming with just an hour of studies.

I embraced the uncomfortable situation I was refusing to accept. That was the only way I could achieve academic excellence. Jonathan took it upon himself to call me every day at exactly 4am so I could learn for about two hours before I began the day. In the beginning, it was difficult. I was angry anytime I saw his call at dawn.

Gradually, this became a new habit. I was able to sit behind my books for even three hours without feeling “uncomfortable”.

At the end, did I get the result I wanted?

Yes, I did. I graduated as a first class student and emerged as the overall best graduating student in my department — Department of Arts Education. All thanks to Jonathan who didn’t allow me to be too comfortable.

A winner doesn’t win because he or she is comfortable.

A winner wins because he or she moved out of what is comfortable.

This is why we need to take calculated risks.

The outcome may be a disaster but the possibility of it working can only be proven when we take a step.

What have you achieved that required you to be comfortable with being uncomfortable?

I would love to read from you.



Ankoma Angela

I am an English Language Teacher during the day, a detail-oriented proofreader at night and God’s scribe at all times.