A life-long friend — Grief

Ankoma Angela
2 min readMay 6, 2024


I got home from work around 5:50pm. I was very exhausted.

I took two slices of bread as I put my soup in the microwave. I decided to log onto Instagram to catch up with the world.

As I was scrolling, I came across Adesua Etomi-Wellington’s post. This was an excerpt from Bimbo Ademoye’s new movie, Unexpected Places, on her Youtube channel.

Why not watch it?

“It has been months since you even watched a movie,” a tiny voice whispered to my ears.

Another voice countered, “You have documents to proofread. You have your students essays to mark.”

The title is intriguing.

What places were unexpected? I wanted to find out.

Photo Credit: Youtube

After spending an hour and forty-five minutes watching this movie, I learnt something very important.

Grief is an emotion we need not hide.

Grief is an emotion we need to process gracefully.

The moment we act as though grief is just one of those things that doesn’t need processing, we stay trapped in it forever.

Take time to grief, but make sure you don’t lock yourself behind the door of grief eternally.

If you need to cry out the pain, do it gracefully.

If you need to speak with a confidant, do it gracefully.

If you need to write about how you feel, do it gracefully.

If you need to transform your grief into paintings, do it gracefully.

If you need to sing it, do it gracefully.

At the end of it all, make sure you have processed grief because leaving grief unattended to leads to a life in the shackles of pain.

You may be lucky to find peace, but the damage to your personality may be difficult to salvage.

Did I find the unexpected places?

Yes, I did.

You are the unexpected place. You are responsible for processing your pain. Nobody has the power to turn your grief into glory until you give them that power.

I hope you find your unexpected place.



Ankoma Angela

I am an English Language Teacher during the day, a detail-oriented proofreader at night and God’s scribe at all times.